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What muscles do barbell rows work

What muscles do barbell rows work ?

The barbell rows work your upper body, like Rhomboids, Lats, Middle and lower traps, and Posterior deltoid. In addition, they also work your Biceps, Teres minor, Brachioradialis, and Erector spinae. Thus, barbell row is one of the best movements for building a strong back.

Performing the barbell bent-over row exercise with any weight will work your back. states that this exercise primarily works your back, while Muscle & Strength and Muscle & Fitness magazines state that this exercise works your mid and upper back, respectively.

It would be difficult to perform a barbell bent-over row without engaging multiple synergistic muscles. This term describes the muscles that help you perform the movement in any exercise. The synergistic muscles for the bent-over row are located in your upper body, shoulders, and arms. This includes your brachialis, brachioradialis, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, teres major, minor, middle, and lower trapezius, deltoids, rhomboids, and infraspinatus.

Targeted Mass Muscles

Performing the barbell bent-over row exercise with any weight will work your back. states that this exercise primarily works your back, while Muscle & Strength and Muscle & Fitness magazines state that this exercise works your mid and upper back, respectively.

Latissimus Dorsi (Lats)

The latissimus dorsi, commonly known as the “latissimus dorsi,” is one of the largest muscles in the back and spans across the lower posterior thorax. Its primary function is upper limb movement.


The rhomboids lie deep to the trapezius muscles and form parallel bands that extend from the vertebrae down to the medial edge of the scapula. The rhomboids are important for upper extremity movement and stability of the shoulder girdle and scapula.

Posterior deltoid

The deltoid muscle is the muscle that forms the rounded outline of the human shoulder. It is also known as the “common muscle of the shoulder”

Middle and lower traps

The trapezius muscle is a large, superficial back muscle that is shaped like a trapezium. It extends from the external occipital protuberance to the lower thoracic spine and laterally to the scapular spine. The middle and lower trapezius muscles are part of the trapezius muscle group and help stabilize and mobilize the shoulder and upper back.


Synergistic Muscles

It would be difficult to perform a barbell bent-over row without engaging multiple synergistic muscles. This term describes the muscles that help you perform the movement in any exercise. The synergistic muscles for the bent-over row are located in your upper body, shoulders, and arms. This includes your brachialis, brachioradialis, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, teres major, minor, middle, and lower trapezius, deltoids, rhomboids, and infraspinatus.


It’s a large muscle located in the front of the upper arm, between the shoulder and the elbow.


The brachialis anticus is a muscle in the upper arm that is responsible for flexing the elbow.

Erector spinae

The erector spinae are the middle muscles. They include the longissimus, iliocostalis, and spinalis. They play a role in movement of the thoracic cage and flexion of the upper spine and head.

Teres minor

The teres minor is a narrow muscle located below the infraspinatus, above the teres major and triceps brachii, and deep to the deltoid.


Stabilizer Muscles

In terms of movement, stabilizer muscle tissue is those that remain consistent under all circumstances but rarely move during exercise. In a proper barbell bent-over row exercise, the stabilizer muscles include the erector spinae, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, and adductor magnus. Dynamic stabilizers include the biceps and triceps in the arms, while the obliques in the abdominals and core act as antagonistic stabilizers.


Barbell Upright Row

Stay upright while lifting the barbell. The muscle structure of a person doing a barbell upright row is slightly different from that of a person doing a barbell bent-over row. The upright row exercise targets the deltoid muscles in the shoulders. The synergists worked include the trapezius, arm, serratus anterior and shoulder muscles, as well as the supraspinatus and brachialis. The stabilizing muscle groups for the upright row are the upper trapezius and levator scapulae.


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